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gifts & souvenirs

From postcards to exceptional jewellery, we dare you to remain insensitive to our suggestions for souvenirs, to give or to offer.

Are you an avid reader? Archaeology, history, fauna, flora, novels, comics, everything is possible.
Are you a gourmet? Think of Bibracte's cervoise and the products of the Morvan.
Is your child passionate about history or nature? Books, cuddly toys, board games or toys will feed their imagination and their activities.

You will also find all the volumes in the Bibracte collection, which brings together the results of research carried out on the site of Mount Beuvray and the Aeduan territory, as well as the major works relating to the archaeology of Celtic Europe.

The shop is accessible during the museum's opening hours, without having to go through the ticket office.

For further information and possible mail order sales, please send a message to


Marlène is the shop manager. Every year, she carefully selects the new items for sale during the season. Jewellery, games, books, textile articles, they all go through her expert eye.

On this page, she will regularly offer you her favourites of the moment.



La plume de Fabienne Lemarchand, journaliste scientifique et les photos d’Antoine Maillier, le légendaire photographe de Bibracte, vous racontent tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur Bibracte.

Vous y trouverez aussi bien des informations sur le passé historique de Bibracte que des focus sur certains objets du musée et des explications sur la façon dont les archéologues y travaillent. 
In-con-tour-nable !

Bibracte, une ville entre deux mondes
Fabienne Lemarchand – Photos d'Antoine Maillier
Editions Bibracte – 104 pages – 18 €


A la lecture de ce livre, on est transporté, avec parfois un brin d’humour, dans la fascinante vie des arbres. On apprend, on comprend, on se passionne. Une seule envie : aller redécouvrir la forêt.
Un vrai régal !

La vie secrète des arbres – Ce qu’ils ressentent, comment ils communiquent
Peter Wohlleben
Editions Les Arènes – 260 pages - 20,90 €