The public service
A mediation service was set up at Bibracte as soon as excavation activities resumed in the 1980s, even before the museum was created (1995). In parallel with the site guidance, activities dedicated to schoolchildren were created by the researchers themselves. These first archaeological steps were the basis of the public service, which relies on more than 30 years of experience and the skills of some fifteen guides-mediators. The aim of the service is to give visitors a chance to see and understand the archaeology of the Gallic and Gallo-Roman period, based as much on the remains visible on the site as on the observation and practice of archaeological excavation and on the examination of the collections on display in the museum. Drawing on the originality of the Bibracte public establishment and its policy at the crossroads of science, archaeology, nature and culture, it also endeavours to highlight the study of palaeo-environments and naturalist approaches in the service of a global understanding of heritage, while cultivating close links with a diversified cultural programme, which enriches its proposals with constantly renewed artistic encounters and practices.
The educational workshops, which form the core of its proposals aimed at young people, cover all the disciplines and workflows involved in archaeology. Pupils benefit from an education of the eye at different scales, enabling them to learn to identify human activities within a landscape, but also in the topography of a site or a road, or even on an excavation site: it is then the colours of the sediments and the stratigraphic relationships between the elements of the architecture that show the stages of occupation of the town.
Learning by doing
Learning how to do this completes this first approach. The "excavation simulators", based on the reconstruction of real remains, offer school groups the opportunity to learn how to excavate the remains, but also how to understand the context, document it and thus preserve the meaning of the remains and objects uncovered. This stage continues with the study of the objects at the research centre, using the same equipment as that used by the university excavation teams, so that the practical application of the operating chain is in line with reality. This phase of field archaeology also includes an introduction to the methods of the specialists: the students are then made aware of the study of architectural elements, ceramics, metal furniture and plant remains.
This interweaving of knowledge and practice, with a very strong anchoring in archaeological reality, is at the heart of our approach to transmitting the archaeological discipline. It allows our audiences to grasp the fundamentals in order to appropriate their heritage. It has met with growing success, resulting each year in more than 10,000 days of educational supervision of the school public, while Bibracte guides accompany nearly half of the visitors to the museum.

Bibracte is the ideal place to make young people aware of history, archaeological methods and environmental issues.
Bibracte is the ideal place to make young people aware of history, archaeological methods and environmental issues.
A Resource Centre for Artistic and Cultural Education "Archaeological Heritage"
The PREACs were established in 2002 under an agreement between the Ministries of Culture and Education. There are now about 50 of them, each devoted to a particular theme through an agreement between a cultural facility and a branch of the CANOPÉ network (a network of resources for teaching).
Bibracte was entrusted in 2003 with running a PREAC on the theme of archaeological heritage. Within this framework, Bibracte's public service organises and runs training courses which offer to reflect on and discuss themes related to heritage issues and in connection with the pupils' Artistic and Cultural Education course. These sessions are aimed at professionals in the fields of mediation, heritage and archaeology, as well as national education staff (trainers, cultural advisors, educational consultants, etc.).
Two training sessions are offered each year: the first is regional (Burgundy), the second, "Bibracte's Autumn Days", is national in scope and has been organised each year for the last twenty years in a different location.
Bibracte Autumn Days (PREAC "national")
- 20th Journées d'Automne: Experimentation in Archaeology. Charleville-Mézières. Co-organiser: Centre Ardennais de Recherche Archéologique (planned in 2020; postponed to 2021)
Past editions have dealt with the following topics:
- 19th Journées d'Automne: Archaeology and identity constructions. Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Co-organiser: Musée d'Archéologie Nationale, Saint-Germain-en-Laye (2019)
- 18th Autumn Days: Archaeology in the City. Saint-Dizier. Co-organizers: City of Saint-Dizier, INRAP (2018)
- 17th edition - The challenges of mediation in archaeology. Saint-Denis. Co-organisers: City of Saint-Denis-Unity of Archaeology, ArchéoEduc and Bibracte (2017)
- 16th edition - A la vie, à la mort - Les enjeux de la médiation des pratiques funéraires, ou comment parler de l'archéologie de la mort au jeune public. Toulouse (2016)
- 15th edition - Archaeology and contemporary creation. Lyon (2015)
- 14th edition - The mediation of archaeological heritage outside museum structures. Hyères and Toulon (2014)
- 13th edition - Heritage staged in museum presentations. Bibracte (2013)
- 12th edition - The image and audiovisual practices in heritage education. Jublains, Mayenne (2012)
- 11th edition - Approaching heritage through artistic practice. Bibracte (2011)
- 10th edition - Landscape tested by archaeology. Nemours, Seine-et-Marne (2010)
- 9th edition - History of the arts and archaeology. Educational project and mediation in archaeology. Bougon, Deux-Sèvres (2009)
- 8th edition - History of the arts and archaeology - What specificities and what complementarities? Namur, Belgium (2008)
Regional training courses
On the programme of past editions:
- Defeating gender: presences, absences and representations of women in heritage collections, Bibracte and Autun, webinar (2021, postponement of the 2020 edition)
- Giving colour to heritage, Bibracte (2019)
- Landscapes past and present - The landscape as an anthropic construction. Bibracte and Sainte-Colombe-en-Auxois (2018)
- Information and communication technologies for education (ICTE) and Burgundian heritage. Cluny and Bibracte (2017)
- Science is an art. Scientific culture in artistic and cultural education. Le Creusot (2014)
- Heritage in museum presentations. Bibracte (2013) Reading the city, Autun (2012)