Membership and networking are basic principles at Bibracte. The many links with scientific, heritage and cultural institutions enable us to pool our resources and open up to the outside world.
Scientific partners
The partner universities and institutes of the Mont Beuvray research programme
Here is the list of the main institutions with which Bibracte has cooperated since 1984.
In addition, there are the partners of other research programmes in which Bibracte participates, particularly in the field of digital humanities and heritage studies.
. Aix-en-Provence - Université de Provence, centre Camille Jullian (UMR 7299 du CNRS)
. Berlin - Institut archéologique allemand, département d’Architecture
. Besançon - Université de Franche-Comté, laboratoire Chronoenvironnement (UMR 6249 du CNRS)
. Besançon - Université de Franche-Comté, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme et de l’Environnement Claude Nicolas Ledoux (USR 3124 du CNRS)
. Brno (République tchèque) - Université Masaryk, département d’archéologie et de muséologie
. Bruxelles (Belgique) - Université libre de Bruxelles, centre de Recherches archéologiques
. Budapest (Hongrie) - Université Lórand Eötvös, institut de Sciences archéologiques
. Dijon - Université de Bourgogne, laboratoire ArTeHiS (UMR 6298 du CNRS)
. Durham (Royaume-Uni) - Université de Durham, département d’Archéologie
. Francfort-sur-le-Main (Allemagne) - Université Goethe, institut de Sciences archéologiques
. Francfort-sur-le-Main (Allemagne) - Institut archéologique allemand, commission romano-germanique (RGK)
. Grenoble - Université Grenoble Alpes, labex ITTEM (Innovations et transitions territoriales en montagne)
. Hambourg (Allemagne) - Université de Hambourg, institut d’Archéologie
. Lausanne (Suisse) - Université de Lausanne, institut d’Archéologie et des Sciences de l’Antiquité
. Leipzig (Allemagne) - Université de Leipzig, institut de Pré- et Protohistoire
. Lyon - Université de Lyon, laboratoire ArAr (UMR 5138 du CNRS)
. Madrid (Espagne) - Université Complutense, département de Préhistoire
. Mayence (Allemagne) - Römisch-germanisches Zentralmusuem (RGZM)
. Montpellier - Université de Montpellier, laboratoire Archéologie des Sociétés méditerranéennes (UMR 5140 du CNRS)
. Paris - Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Institut d’Art et d’Archéologie
. Paris - Ecole normale supérieure, laboratoire AOROC (UMR 8546 du CNRS)
. Rzesźow (Pologne) - Université de Rzesźow, institut d’Archéologie
. Toulouse - Université Jean Jaurès, laboratoire TRACES (UMR 5608 du CNRS)
. Vienne -Université de Vienne, institut de Pré- et Protohistoire
Iron Age Europe network
Created in 2011, this network is an international partnership between institutions dedicated to the research, preservation and enhancement of archaeological sites and collections emblematic of the European Iron Age.
It currently has seven members:
. Bibracte, France
. Site archéologique et musée d’Ensérune, France
. Archäologisches Museum Frankfurt, Allemagne
. Laténium, parc et musée d’Archéologie de l’Etat de Neuchâtel, Suisse
. Lattara, site archéologique et musée Henri Prades, France
. kelten römermuseum Manching, Bavière, Allemagne
. Ullastret, site et musée d’archéologie, Catalogne, Espagne
The European School of Protohistory of Bibracte (EEPB)
With the support of various European universities, the EEPB organises inter-university doctoral seminars on an annual basis.
Institutional partners
The members of the Bibracte Board of Directors
. Etat – Ministère de la Culture
. Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
. Conseil départemental de la Nièvre
. Conseil départemental de Saône-et-Loire
. Parc naturel régional du Morvan
. Centre des monuments nationaux
. Centre national de la recherche scientifique
The Grands Sites de France network
The RGSF is a network of associations that brings together the local authorities that manage sites that have been awarded the Grand Site de France label by the Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development, as well as the local authorities that wish to apply for the label, i.e. some forty members.
Bibracte also hosts each session of the training course "Building the future of heritage sites together: developing and implementing sustainable management", implemented by the Pôle international francophone de formation et d'échanges des gestionnaires de sites patrimoniaux (International Francophone Training and Exchange Centre for Heritage Site Managers) within the framework of the Réseau des Grands Sites de France.
The main objective of this training-action is to change the way French-speaking managers look at the projects they carry out for their sites, by taking into account all the problems and issues encountered. It favours the exchange of experiences and the emphasis is placed on the role and positioning of the manager as the leader of a territorial approach.
Tourism partners
Le pass Archéo
Four Burgundian archaeological sites, including Bibracte, have joined forces to create the "pass archeo" and offer their visitors a preferential rate: visit the first site of your choice and benefit from a reduced rate in the other three on presentation of your entrance ticket.
The "pass archeo" is valid at the Musée Rolin in Autun, the Museoparc Alésia and the Museum of Pays Châtillonnais.
La clé des musées
Nineteen museums in the Morvan have joined forces to offer an inter-site passport: "la clé des musées" (the museum key).
Buy a full-price ticket in one of the partner museums and then benefit from a reduced rate in the other museums participating in this operation, on presentation of the entrance ticket of the last museum visited.
Les incontournables 71
32 sites in Saône-et-Loire (including Bibracte) are joining forces to offer discounts for relaxation, culture, games and tasting, in the form of a discovery chequebook, which can be obtained from the Saône-et-Loire tourist offices and the reception desks of partner sites or downloaded here.